Check out the Exalt Mastermind

This is your transformational container that will leave no stone unturned.

Mind, Body, Sexuality, Money, Business, Relationships…
We address it *all* because we know it is *all* connected.

I am welcoming you to your home for transformational coaching,
Body-based business &
feminine embodiment mentorship

For the woman who desires to have
*it all* while walking on the
Sacred Feminine Embodiment Path

Erica D.

I'm so glad I listened to my gut feeling and decided to work with Nikki. She was a safe and trustworthy guide into the depths of myself and from that journey together I emerged with a new treasure that was there all along but I didn't have the tools or guidance to access it before. Nikki gave me the tools and guidance to access the buried treasure within me and today I feel more empowered and aligned with my true Self unlike never before.

Alyra D.

When I was with Nikki for my one on one womb work she helped create a space where I felt safe enough to reach down into the depths of my womb and extract emotions and hurts that I had been holding on to for years.

Dean C.

With the sexuality work I have done with Nikki I've developed a high level of confidence to gently explore my sexual desires with a positive association in doing so, solidifying clarity in my sexuality. This mind set has spilt into my day to day life leading me to being happier than ever with my confidence and sexual life flourishing.

Testimonial Love

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Healing Immersions

Intimacy Template Reset

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while grounding in higher states of consciousness

Awakening Into Deeper Embodiment...

Jamie H.

“I have been on a journey of self love and embodiment and I feel Nikki’s containers help me capture the essence of what it means to be a sensual woman and the innate healing and manifesting power that lies within that. Nikki’s programs activate deeper wisdom from the inside of me. Not only did her programs heal my relationship to my body, but I can completely activate the dormant power and magic from within.”

Steph T.

“I didn’t realize how much I needed this work until I was in the safe and loving container experiencing it. I felt a deep sense of coming home to myself and a new feeling of wholeness leaving each session. Some of my experiences were very cosmic, yet still very much in my body and even rooted me deeper into my body. I learned so much about my own body in these sessions and left so empowered.”

Christy D.

“I am someone that runs towards experience and growth and information. Nikki’s sessions are a beautiful blend of all that. When Nikki speaks she commands the room just in the frequency of her words and vibration of the message and the embodiment that she has with what she is saying. When she performs ceremony it’s like all space and time completely stops and I am in this void where she is holding me so lovingly. I am there in reverence of myself and these Feminine Mysteries.”

Testimonial Love

Em chats with Nikki Ananda about her inspiring journey to sacred wealth, from her powerful spiritual awakening at 17 to healing money wounds through shamanic practices. They share wisdom on spirituality, self-discovery, and achieving abundance in a profound way.

Receiving Sacred Wealth

In this episode Nikki and Nalaya talk about their journey and experience in finding true love. Breaking free of the archetype of the "strong independent woman" to call in a devoted masculine partner.

Finding True Love

Nikki joins Christy in the deepest, juiciest, soul-remembering conversation that literally left Christy in tears. You will feel this conversation in the cells of your being.

The Feminine Mysteries

featured podcasts

when hustle meets flow by christy dole

dare to love by Nalaya chakana

Joyous Path to Millions

“Many roads lead to the path, but basically there are only two: Reason and practice.”