the Temple

guiding you home to your feminine magentism


Arrive is a journey back to Self.

We live in times where we are inundated with information coming at us from all angles.

There is so much noise pulling us away from our core.

There are so many distractions that numb us from our power.

It is easy to lose our center.

Our magic comes from within.

If we are not listening, if we are not tuned in, how can we ever truly be embodied in our feminine radiance?

If we are not grounded in our power, if we are not leading from our presence, how can we ever be embodied in our magnetism?

Arrive: Awakening the Temple is a call to home.

A call to presence.

A call to the deepest self love & self care that your body & soul have been longing for.

This is a journey bringing you back into clear communication with your Higher Self & God.

Creating deep trust, flow, & surrender into your life from the depths of your womb.

From here we are able to tap into the true desires of the heart & move towards them with full embodied conviction.

Before we go on The Quest towards our desires, we must come home to Self & the Sacred Body Temple.

We must learn how to finely attune our senses so that we can receive the messages & subtle calls that guide us to our destiny.

It starts in the body.

It starts with body awareness.

It starts with your devotional relationship to Self before all else can arrive.

Through this 5 week journey you will be guided into systems & practices that will support you in quieting the noise & accessing your feminine magnetism.

No matter where you are on your journey, the systems & practices in this program will serve as a strong foundation that you will keep coming back to & build all of your most fulfilling successes upon.

If you desire to lead a life while honoring your intuition & body first, this program is for you.

If you desire to slow down to savor life without slowing down your momentum, this program is for you.

If you desire to create success through your feminine magnetism while releasing the pressure & stress motivation, this program is for you.

I am so honored to invite you to Arrive: Awakening the Temple.

When we tune in & access the Sacred Body Temple, we open ourselves wide into our feminine radiance & receivership.

Your channel becomes wide & clear while you ground & regulate the nervous system.

Through the body, a New Paradigm is born.

True power & success come from within.

Are you ready to go deep?

Activate Your Radiance & Widen Your Channel


prerecorded program
**Lifetime access**
1:1 Upgrades available

Deepening a relationship with your senses in ways that awaken the radiance & magic within your being

5 Senses


Coming to understand how the Sacred Feminine works with the elements & Earth energies to thrive

5 Elements


Looking through the framwork of the physical, energetic, emotional, mental, & spiritual bodies

5 Koshas


Arrive & The Quest are partner programs. They were made for each other in support of Sacred Union of our inner Feminine & Masculine energies.

Arrive is all about coming home to our feminine radiance & magnetism. It is the path to accessing our core so we may move with our full power present. It is where we awaken the Body Temple to receive the visions of our truest desires.

The Quest is about refining our masculine energy & our aim towards our desires. It is the union of knowing when to take action & when to surrender. It is the refinement process & strategy of being in communion and co-creation with God, Goddess, the Universe, & Divine Field of Universal Intelligence.

bundle these 2 programs

Arrive + The Quest

"I love Nikki's approach to the teachings and the depth that she brings to the work. I appreciate the combination of background foundational ideas that form the basis for the spiritual teachings, as well as the practices and embodiment work."

Testimonial Love

"I listen to the sessions again because they are so potent. I've been soaking up this container and finding my frequency again."

Testimonial Love

“This morning I found myself saying, ‘You’re getting your power back!’ to myself. Then another voice said, ‘Your power never left you! It’s just been reignited!’ Arrive: Awakening the Temple is arriving like wildfire as I integrate all the wisdom of my Divine Feminine Energy. I feel so powerful and radiant. Nothing compares to the magic of this work.”

Testimonial Love

"This container is beyond words. It taps into my soul on a deep level, far beyond what the mind could ever imagine.
The moment I stepped out of my head and into my body, the raw power of conscious creation was ignited!"

Testimonial Love


Client Reflections

My services will guide you into embodying your power & radiance through coaching, mentorship, ceremony, & sacred temple arts.

I have devoted many years to healing, receiving, & apprenticing with elders in my spiritual communities. I have had the privilege of being immersed in sacred ceremonies that initiated my becoming as a guide into the Feminine Mysteries.

Embodiment is the key foundation in my offerings, always bringing forward practical components. I will support you in expanding your nervous system’s capacity to hold & anchor radiance within every atom of your being through somatic awareness, plant medicine integration, & sexological bodywork.

I deeply believe that entrepreneurship is a Sacred Mission. I am very passionate about supporting women in grounding & evolving their businesses while embodying streams of abundance, prosperity, & soul-fulfilling wealth.

Let's create together!

Peace, Pleasure,
Prosperity, Power

sovereign Embodiment


sign me up!

Arrive + The Quest Program Bundle Only

Apply Here!


Arrive + The Quest
1:1 Immersion

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Arrive: Awakening the Temple

The Investment

3 Month Program
•Signature Program Bundle of Arrive, The Quest (bonus "ALL IN Frequency" class)
•Business Hours Messenger Support
•3 Calls Held Within the 3 Month Container
•Business Hours Messenger Support
monthly payment plans available

Prerecorded Program
Lifetime Access
•5 Modules & Practices
•Arrive 5 Modules & Practices
•The Quest 5 Modules & Practices
monthly payment plans available

Prerecorded Program
Lifetime Access
•5 Modules & Practices
•Add-On 1:1 Upgrade Options
monthly payment plans available

One Time Payment

One Time Payment

One Time Payment


More info for the quest

1:1 Upgrade options here

More info for the quest

Opportunities For Additional Support

Lifetime access to content

"Nikki’s methods of allowing oneself to open up on so many different planes was something I have needed and will continue to seek, in order to loosen and let down my inhibitions and feel truly whole as the goddess I am deep down. I highly recommend closing your eyes and fully putting your trust in Nikki's magical hands!"

"I need to work to feel connected to self love, body love, and sexuality. Nikki’s class reminds me of my goddess nature and when it's activated I'm so much happier. Just being in the space with Nikki's codes and the energy between the women helps me remember. And I love how free I feel to express myself through movement sound and breath."

"She holds such a beautiful container where I am able to feel safe and comfortable to dive into the depths of my soul, a space where my questions and curiosities are explored further"


Let's Chat

Fill out an application form to set up a discovery call.

Next Step!

ready to go?

Here are some answers


do you offer refunds

There are no refunds offered for this program.

what is your training background

There is a beautiful balance of integrating the wisdom of life's lived experience as well as being trained by teachers and mentors through more formalized education and lineages. I am constantly on a journey of continuing education and deepening my embodiment through life. I expanded out from my college degree in Human Services (with a focused certificate in Substance Abuse Counseling) to explore more holistic modalities. After working in traditional therapeutic environments I was desiring to contribute more deeply than what I saw being offered. Over the years I have studied with amazing mentors and guides along with completing more formal trainings and certifications (see below). 

* Certified Life Coach through Health Yoga Life
* Certified Somatic Embodiment & Regulation Strategies Level III
* 200hr RYT through YogaLife Institute
* Somatic Sex Education and Sexological Bodywork Training with the Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education
* Temple Arts Training Levels 1 & 2 with the Rose Lineage Mystery School
* Liquid Motion Licensed Instructor
* Cacao Ceremony Facilitation Training with Embue Cacao
* Reiki Master of the Usui Lineage
* Lunar Astrology Training with "The Moon is My Calendar"
* Board Member (Secretary) of the Nonprofit Organization “Circle of Women International” (2013-2017): Their mission was to weave sacred ceremony into community while honoring & upholding the teachings of indigenous wisdom keepers across regions.
* Co-Founder of Boston Entheogenic Network (Active 2016-2020): Their mission was to support education, advocacy, and build community around psychedelic and entheogenic medicines.

What are the options for additional support

Most live and prerecorded classes have an option for additional support through messenger or 1:1 sessions. If you are interested in additional support, please reach out to me directly at Check all your email folders if you haven't received a response within 36 hours.