Conscious Menstruation & Cyclical Alchemy


I'm ready!

Conscious Menstruation was the very first program I ever launched. The profound power of this work is what ignited the birth of my business and continues to deepen my success in entrepreneurship. This work holds a very special place in my heart and I am so excited to deliver you this 3 part transmission and workshop into the magic of cycle alchemy. When I began to integrate this wisdom into the way I move through life, my entire reality shifted and elevated me into a paradigm full of allowance, flow, abundance, and ease. I am honored to bring this program back to life to support all women and people who menstruate in coming into deep empowerment through practicing cyclical living. This is wisdom every feminine leader must tap into!

The western world has been living and operating in a paradigm led by the Masculine. This isn't "good or bad"/"right or wrong" but it has created a great disharmony between women, our bodies, and our natural state of being. As women, we have be conditioned to move linearly, consistently pushing upwards, while using force to persist our way forward. This goes deeply against our inner wisdom of the power of our true Feminine nature and instead of serving us to feel empowered, it eventually breaks us down or burns us out.

We are all cyclical beings. We all have Feminine and Masculine energies within us. It is our work at this time to be in Divine Union with these polarities within us as individuals and also within the collective.

To bring us into harmony and balance we must take a stand to awaken the Sacred Feminine powers within.

The Sacred Feminine is cyclical. She moves through the seasons, the tides, and the phases of the moon. And she moves within us to awaken our personal power through the various states of consciousness and gifts that we get to experience throughout our menstrual cycles.

There are four phases within our menstrual cycle and each of them has gifts, powers, strengths, and boundaries. Each one of us has our own unique coding within these phases. Each one of us has a unique relationship and journey through coming home and into power with our pure Feminine energy. As we continue to unlock our own unique gifts and codes, we strengthen in our ability to lead others on the path of Sacred Feminine reclamation. There is no greater time to be aligning with our cycles than now.

If you no longer have a menstrual cycle, if you no longer have a uterus, and even if you never identified as a woman biologically or otherwise, you can still benefit through understanding and surrendering into the Divine Feminine process of creation. When we stop trying to grip and control all the aspects of our life, we are able to allow more spaciousness for the Universe to come in and bring its magic! We allow life to unfold around us, becoming the greater magnet for our desires.

Through the 3 part workshop we will be exploring our personal relationship with the stages of creation and claiming our power within it. Our wombs are here to guide us through the Divine Feminine Mysteries. There is so much power to be harnessed when we begin to understand the archetypes and magic that lay within the seasons of our body's natural rhythms. This is the works that integrates the wisdom of nature with the wisdom of our sacred bodies. This is the work that shifts the paradigm that we create in.

Opening Up To Your Sacred Feminine Power

shifting into a new paradigm of productivity

cyclical alchemy


our sacred rite of passage

conscious menstruation


through feminine energetics

phases of creation


Our wombs are our sacred portals to Source. We draw in and create new life through our wombs. This is both physical in the sense of human beings and also metaphysical in understanding that all of our creative ideas can be born through our wombs, our sacral chakra.

Developing a relationship with this part of our being is one of the most important rites in becoming a woman. It is through our alignment in moving through our cycles that our TRUE empowerment can be born. In the western world we have lost our traditions and rites of passage that support the awakening of Womb Wisdom as girls transition into becoming young women. 

awakening connection of body & Spirit

Womb Wisdom

Self leadership is a standard and a requirement for this journey. I encourage all my clients to listen and try on the teachings and practices I offer in our sessions, but only keep what resonates. I will create space and allowance for your heart and mind to remain open in finding a path of discernment for your unique and sovereign truth. I am not here to replace your inner knowing, I am here to support your growth and expansion as you deepen the clear channel for your Higher Self to pour through. Together we are working to calibrate an internal navigation system composed of your heart, your intuition, and your embodied wisdom.

I am here to guide you to calibrate to your Womb Wisdom and Sacred Cycles

coming into empowerment

I'm so ready!


Free Class

Conscious Menstruation & Cyclical Alchemy

The Investment

•3 Part Workshop

You're beyond                to...


Own your power and ability to navigate life with more ease

Deepen into the sacred connection to your womb and cycles

Heal your lineage and ancestral karma

Connect to the Earth and her cycles in a new way

Move out of the old paradigm of push, force, and linear productivity & into the movement of Sacred Feminine Embodiment

"Nikki’s methods of allowing oneself to open up on so many different planes was something I have needed and will continue to seek, in order to loosen and let down my inhibitions and feel truly whole as the goddess I am deep down. I highly recommend closing your eyes and fully putting your trust in Nikki's magical hands!"

"I need to work to feel connected to self love, body love, and sexuality. Nikki’s class reminds me of my goddess nature and when it's activated I'm so much happier. Just being in the space with Nikki's codes and the energy between the women helps me remember. And I love how free I feel to express myself through movement sound and breath."

"She holds such a beautiful container where I am able to feel safe and comfortable to dive into the depths of my soul, a space where my questions and curiosities are explored further"


ready to awaken

Link to the free course below

Next Step!

ready to go?

Here are some answers


what is the format

The ThriveCart portal is where you will find the content for each session. You will be able to go at your own pace.

who is this workshop for

This workshop is for anyone who desires to learn more about Feminine cycles of creation through the lens of Conscious Menstruation.