Exalt Mastermind

hive mind for the
priestess queen

i'm so ready!

Welcome home, Priestess Queen!

Exalt is an intimate mastermind for Spiritual Entrepreneurial Women who desire to elevate each other on the path of co-creating our greatest visions.

Exalt is where we come to the Hive Mind to awaken and amplify the archetype of the Priestess Queen.

The Priestess Queen is the woman who knows her connection to God & the Mystery in partnership with her Self Leadership is what is creates her empowerment in all areas of life.

The Priestess Queen is not focused on business as a separate facet from the rest of her life, but has unified her connection with her spirituality as a bridge to her service, entrepreneurial success, and financial freedom.

The Priestess Queen is integrating all facets of her life to live the true embodiment of abundance, prosperity, and wealth while understanding that it is her energetics that create the path for her desires becoming materialized.

She is a THE ONE who truly claims it all.
The Embodiment.
The Partnership.
The Business.
The Money.
The Sexuality.

With a deep connection to the Feminine Mysteries.

Welcome Home, Priestess Queen.

Exalt is a space for entrepreneurial women who are anchoring in 6 and multi-6 figure years created through a body-based and energetics-led business model.

With this approach to business and financial freedom, the focus will always be on you as the ENTIRE WOMAN.

Awakening and Integrating the Priestess Queen Archetype

In this container we will dive deeply into:
Feminine Embodiment
Spiritual Activation
Universal Laws
Masculine & Feminine Polarity
Sacred Sexuality
Sisterhood and Community
The Feminine Mysteries
Connection to God and Spirit

Along with providing practical business strategies that are unique to each woman.

We are here to intentionally exalt each other while elevating our visions with the power of collective sisterhood.

When powerful, magical women come together, there is nothing that cannot be achieved.

This is a space for sisterhood and deep magic.

Collective visioning.

And potent inspired and applied action that collapses the time around desires to become materialized so that we truly are playing in the Quantum Field together.

Exalt is for women who are on the path of having IT ALL, without settling along the way.

Exalt is for the visionaries who are dreaming beyond what is realistic and predictable to claim a life that is EXTRAORDINARY and kept alive with the breath of magic.

Are you ready to claim IT ALL?

The Embodiment
The Relationship
The Connection to Spirit
The Love
The Business
The Money
The Freedom
The Sovereignty 
The Priestesshood

And most importantly…

Creating most magical and meaningful stories on the path of achieving your heart’s deepest desires.

Archetypal Activation:

The Priestess is becoming the embodiment of LOVE.

Devotion to LOVE in all forms.

It is through our devotion to love and the truth of the hearts that we reach states of fulfillment that are extraordinary.

The Queen is in service from a place of overflow.

Embodying true, holistic wealth and giving back generously to community while knowing this is the path of true riches.

We each have a vision of our Queendom that is ours to fulfill.

Through collective coming together in sisterhood we are able to achieve these visions faster than the mind can predict.

This is the power and magic of the Hive Mind.

Exalt is a place for women to come and embody the Priestess Queen archetype.

Where having deep spiritual connection and communion also means having the embodiment, the relationship, the business, the money, the sexuality, and the connection to the Mystery that you know you are here to live.

Are you ready for the Exalt Hive Mind?

Mastermind for Entrepreneurial Women on the
Sacred Feminine Embodiment Path

Prioritizing love, relationships, spirituality, and quality of life above money AND desiring money as the icing on your cake.


Desiring to up-level yourself as the WHOLE WOMAN on the path to sovereignty and financial freedom.


Scaling to a 6 or multi-6 figure business through Sacred Feminine Embodiment and a energetics-based business model.


if you are a Spiritual Entrepreneur who is

Ready to claim and embody your Priestess Queen archetype to serve your community while living a life grounded in wealth, prosperity, and abundance.


Feeling the pull to be in a sacred circle of women with the intention to amplify, elevate, and exalt each other’s unique gifts, medicine, and visions.


Convicted in your self leadership while paving the way for others with the embodiment of your medicine.


Exalt is the hive mind community you've been waiting for

  • 2 Live Group Calls A Month (2nd and 4th week of the month)
  • Telegram Thread For Community Support
  • Power Hour Sessions in Telegram with Nikki 2x/Week
  • Access to Nikki Ananda’s Live & Prerecorded Programs (Rare exceptions may apply, such as in-person offerings)
  • Access to Priestess Membership inside the Diamond Light Temple
  • Exalt Exclusive Classes & Programs

applications are open now!
we begin on november 13th

6 Month Commitment

What does it include

My services will guide you into embodying your power & radiance through coaching, mentorship, ceremony, & sacred temple arts.

I have devoted many years to healing, receiving, & apprenticing with elders in my spiritual communities. I have had the privilege of being immersed in sacred ceremonies that initiated my becoming as a guide into the Feminine Mysteries.

Embodiment is the key foundation in my offerings, always bringing forward practical components. I will support you in expanding your nervous system’s capacity to hold & anchor radiance within every atom of your being through somatic awareness, plant medicine integration, & sexological bodywork.

I deeply believe that entrepreneurship is a Sacred Mission. I am very passionate about supporting women in grounding & evolving their businesses while embodying streams of abundance, prosperity, & soul-fulfilling wealth.

I'm excited to create together!

Peace, Pleasure,
Prosperity, Power

sovereign Embodiment

Apply here

Celebrate your commitment to your next level our journey together!

Set Your intentions


I will email you with 48 business hours.
(Make sure to check your junk folder if you haven't received your response.)

Check your email


Create space and take your time answering the questions with intention.

Fill out an application


journey starts here

So ready!

1:1 Mentorship

so ready!


Exalt Mastermind

so ready!


Exalt Mastermind

The Investment

6 Month Commitment
2 Live Group Calls A Month
Telegram Thread For Community Support
Power Hour Sessions in Telegram with Nikki 2x/Week
Access to Live & Prerecorded Programs
Access to Priestess Membership inside the Diamond Light Temple
Exalt Exclusive Classes & Programs

6 Month Commitment
As a part of your 1:1 Mentorship the Exalt Mastermind & Priestess Membership are included.
You also receive 3 monthly calls & private messenger support.
Click the link below for more information on 1:1 programs.

6 Month Commitment
2 Live Group Calls A Month
Telegram Thread For Community Support
Power Hour Sessions in Telegram with Nikki 2x/Week
Access to Live & Prerecorded Programs
Access to Priestess Membership inside the Diamond Light Temple
Exalt Exclusive Classes & Programs

One Time Payment

Monthly Payment Plan

Monthly Payment Plan


1:1 Mentorship Info

I would love to                 with you...


Abundance, Money, & Body-Based Business Strategy

Feminine Embodiment & Soul-Led Entrepreneurship

Ancestral & Generational Healing

The Core Feminine Wounds: Mother Wound, Sister Wound,
Witch Wound, & Father Wound

Sacred Sexuality & Sexual Healing

Devotional Intimacy & Calling In Partnership

Attuning Your Body to be a Highly Refined Instrument for the Divine

Venusian Priestess Path & Sacred Temple Arts

Spiritual & Psychedelic Integration

Radically Elevating the Quality of ALL AREAS In Your Life

embodiment practices and meditations

access to online events and classes

Voice messaging and text support

weekly 1:1 Sessions

"Nikki’s methods of allowing oneself to open up on so many different planes was something I have needed and will continue to seek, in order to loosen and let down my inhibitions and feel truly whole as the goddess I am deep down. I highly recommend closing your eyes and fully putting your trust in Nikki's magical hands!"

"I need to work to feel connected to self love, body love, and sexuality. Nikki’s class reminds me of my goddess nature and when it's activated I'm so much happier. Just being in the space with Nikki's codes and the energy between the women helps me remember. And I love how free I feel to express myself through movement sound and breath."

"She holds such a beautiful container where I am able to feel safe and comfortable to dive into the depths of my soul, a space where my questions and curiosities are explored further"


Let's Chat

Fill out an application form to set up a discovery call.

Next Step!

ready to go?

Here are some answers


do you work with men?

Yes! I work with all individuals who desire to be empowered and embodied in their highest version of Self. I work with all individuals who desire to come into alignment with their Masculine and Feminine polarities. I support all individuals in coming into more personal power and New Paradigm Leadership.

The areas that I am deeply trained and initiated through tend to be focused on my experience and embodiment as a heterosexual woman. This being said, I have always worked with people of all gender identities in the realms of life/embodiment coaching and spiritual/psychedelic integration. 

what is your training background

There is a beautiful balance of integrating the wisdom of life's lived experience as well as being trained by teachers and mentors through more formalized education and lineages. I am constantly on a journey of continuing education and deepening my embodiment through life. I expanded out from my college degree in Human Services (with a focused certificate in Substance Abuse Counseling) to explore more holistic modalities. After working in traditional therapeutic environments I was desiring to contribute more deeply than what I saw being offered.

Over the years I have studied with the MOST INCREDIBLE mentors and guides (seriously... I have worked with the best of the best!) along with completing more formal trainings and certifications (highlights below). 

* Certified Life Coach through Health Yoga Life
* Certified Somatic Embodiment & Regulation Strategies Level III
* 200hr RYT through YogaLife Institute
* Somatic Sex Education and Sexological Bodywork Training with the Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education
* Temple Arts Training Levels 1 & 2 with the Rose Lineage Mystery School
* Liquid Motion Licensed Instructor
* Cacao Ceremony Facilitation Training with Embue Cacao
* Reiki Master of the Usui Lineage
* Lunar Astrology Training with "The Moon is My Calendar"
* Board Member (Secretary) of the Nonprofit Organization “Circle of Women International” (2013-2017): Their mission was to weave sacred ceremony into community while honoring & upholding the teachings of indigenous wisdom keepers across regions.
* Co-Founder of Boston Entheogenic Network (Active 2016-2020): Their mission was to support education, advocacy, and build community around psychedelic and entheogenic medicines.