1:1 Ceremonies, Healing, & Immersions

an intimate container for Expansion & awakening

Apply Here

I offer Ceremonial Healing and Activation sessions to support people of all genders who are longing to go deeper into their power and embodiment. 

Each ceremony is created to serve the specific soul, intention, and desire. We will have a preparation call to set intentions, yet because so much power is held within the mystery of the unfolding, I leave the details of the ceremony unrevealed until we begin.

Ceremonies can be held in person or virtually. In this time we will weave between the physical, energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms.

Through ritual, embodiment, mindset, and spiritual alchemy, these ceremonial immersions are intended to support you towards anchoring in a deeper and more meaningful embodied life.

Examples of Healings and Activations:
-Ancestral & Generational Healing
-Sexual Healing and Reclamation
-Womb Attunement
-Priestess Temple Arts
-Sacred Feminine Embodiment
-Energy Healing
-Somatic Healing
-Plant Medicine Healing
-Sound Healing
-Elemental Healing

Healing and Activation Immersions can be added to 1:1 Coaching Programs. Please note this is not the same as the Venusian Bodywork sessions, though bodywork can be included in the ceremonial immersions.

An Immersive Dive into Healing and Activation

click here to learn more about 1;1 coaching & Mentorship programs

click here to learn more about Ceremonial bodywork sessions

Working with Universal Law to embrace a life full of flow, ease, and purpose while aligning with your truest desires

universal law


Understanding the dance of subtle energies, thought forms, and emotional intelligence to anchor deeper into your power



Using somatic awareness and kundalini energy to unlock the codes of your body's inherent wisdom



It starts with a desire. There is a yearning for expansion, for growth, for more. When you show up to this container with the sacred yearning the work has already begun. Your desires fuel the vision of the life you are stepping into. Letting go of old stories, old thought patterns, and old habits that have kept you in the same cycles.
Our subconscious mind seeks to affirm what it already knows. Our work is to begin to reprogram the subconscious to create new pathways that lead us deeper on the path of pleasure, abundance, and fulfillment.

Entering the next paradigm

Quantum Leap

Many people have had abrupt spiritual awakenings or psychedelic experiences that begin to open up the pathways between our subconscious and conscious mind. Learning how to integrate these messages and open ourselves up to fully receive the guidance of our Highest Self is one of the most important keys to grounding ourselves in our light and purpose. Through bridging communication between the subconscious and conscious mind, we begin to understand our dreams, synchronicities, and divination in a new light. We are guided and supported in every step of our journey.

Learning to speak the language of the universe

Spiritual and Psychedelic Integration

We live in a culture full of distorted and manipulated programs on sexuality. Our sexuality is the most vital energy we have. It is through our sexuality that we tap into our true power. Sexual energy goes far beyond self pleasure and intercourse. It is the fuel that ignites us to move through life in flow. It is the essence we tap into while reclaiming our Divinity.
Learning through  the diverse teachings of Somatic Sex Education and Sacred Sexuality we begin to open ourselves up to a life full of rich experiences and pleasure.

Unlocking our pure creative power

Sexual Reclamation

"This program changed my life. For the first time, I am able to truly connect to my body and understand my cycle. My womb and I are no longer at war, but instead in open communication with each other. I tapped into my menstruation pain, listened to my womb, and honored her. Instead of numbing the pain, I learned to heal the wounds. This program brought me deep healing from trauma, and a new understanding of who I am and what my desires are."

Testimonial Love

"With each session Nikki has met me where I was at and provided me with practical tools to unlock and access stagnant parts of myself. She holds such a beautiful container where I am able to feel safe and comfortable to dive into the depths of my soul, a space where my questions and curiosities are explored further, as well as giving a voice to my femininity, sensuality and sexuality to express itself freely."

Testimonial Love

"One of the most valuable things about our sessions together is that it gave me an opportunity to give attention to something that needed addressing. It gave me permission to spend time, care, and to give love to myself where I needed it. Nikki was helpful in asking the questions that sank me in deeper to what was alive for me. She offered suggestions, and useful tools, and mostly, she helped me to find the solutions and answers within myself."

Testimonial Love

"My journey with Nikki has been a wildly transformative experience. By committing to daily practices I've been able to access a state of embodiment with ease and become aware of what Sovereignty of ones self truly is, through all the natural waves and cycles of the human experience. I've been able to catch my moments of disassociation quickly, recognize and discard the old narrative of 'I am not enough.' "

Testimonial Love

real life

Client Reflections

My services will guide you into embodying your power & radiance through coaching, mentorship, ceremony, & sacred temple arts.

I have devoted many years to healing, receiving, & apprenticing with elders in my spiritual communities. I have had the privilege of being immersed in sacred ceremonies that initiated my becoming as a guide into the Feminine Mysteries.

Embodiment is the key foundation in my offerings, always bringing forward practical components. I will support you in expanding your nervous system’s capacity to hold & anchor radiance within every atom of your being through somatic awareness, plant medicine integration, & sexological bodywork.

I deeply believe that entrepreneurship is a Sacred Mission. I am very passionate about supporting women in grounding & evolving their businesses while embodying streams of abundance, prosperity, & soul-fulfilling wealth.

Let's create together!

Peace, Pleasure,
Prosperity, Power

embodying wealth, wisdom, and sovereignty

Apply here

Take some space to prepare and refine your intentions for our journey together

Set Your intentions


I will email you to schedule a free 30 minute call to explore the possibilities of working together

jump on a discovery call


Take your time answering the questions to prepare for a Discovery Call

Fill out an application


how it all works



Ceremonies, Healing, & Immersions

The Investment

Virtual Intensives Available
 •1 Preparation Call
• Personalized Intensive
•4 Weeks of M-F Business Hours
Messenger Support
(if not already enlisted in 1:1 programs)

One Time Payment

You're beyond                to...


Immerse in a container for deep healing

Integrate your shadows to fully embody your light

Heal your lineage and ancestral karma

Explore embodiment and beliefs to clear old energies and make space for new life

Explore practices to support you in being a clear channel for your purpose

embodiment practices and meditations

Integration support

1 Month M-F text/voice memo support

ceremonial Healing Session

"Nikki’s methods of allowing oneself to open up on so many different planes was something I have needed and will continue to seek, in order to loosen and let down my inhibitions and feel truly whole as the goddess I am deep down. I highly recommend closing your eyes and fully putting your trust in Nikki's magical hands!"

"I need to work to feel connected to self love, body love, and sexuality. Nikki’s class reminds me of my goddess nature and when it's activated I'm so much happier. Just being in the space with Nikki's codes and the energy between the women helps me remember. And I love how free I feel to express myself through movement sound and breath."

"She holds such a beautiful container where I am able to feel safe and comfortable to dive into the depths of my soul, a space where my questions and curiosities are explored further"


Let's Chat

Fill out an application form to set up a discovery call.

Next Step!

ready to go?

Here are some answers


do you work with men?

Yes! I work with all individuals who desire to be empowered and embodied in their highest version of Self. I work with all individuals who desire to come into alignment with their Masculine and Feminine polarities. I support all individuals in coming into more personal power and New Paradigm Leadership.

what is your training background

There is a beautiful balance of integrating the wisdom of life's lived experience as well as being trained by teachers and mentors through more formalized education and lineages. I am constantly on a journey of continuing education and deepening my embodiment through life. I expanded out from my college degree in Human Services (with a focused certificate in Substance Abuse Counseling) to explore more holistic modalities. After working in traditional therapeutic environments I was desiring to contribute more deeply than what I saw being offered. Over the years I have studied with amazing mentors and guides along with completing more formal certifications (see below). 

* Certified Life Coach through Health Yoga Life
* Certified Somatic Embodiment & Regulation Strategies Level III
* 200hr RYT through YogaLife Institute
* Liquid Motion Licensed Instructor
* Completed Cacao Ceremony Apprenticeship with Heartblood Cacao
* Reiki Master of the Usui Lineage
* Moon Guide Facilitator
* Trained at the Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education
* Board Member (Secretary) of the Nonprofit Organization “Circle of Women International” 2013-2017: Their mission was to help preserve indigenous traditions and weave sacred ceremony into community.
* Co-Founder of BEN (Boston Entheogenic Network) and active 2016-2020

what if i am ready to commit to something bigger

I offer 3 months programs to go deeper in aligning and integration. The 1:1 container is for when you are truly ready to dive into deep work. Before our sessions start you will be sent a client contract to confirm your commitment to our time together. This is to ensure that both of us are getting the most out of our time. I trust deeply in the Mystery School of life. When we show the universe that we are committing to something, the universe conspires to give us exactly the life experiences we need to deepen with our intentions. By ending a program prematurely, we contract ourselves from allowing transformation to take place. I offer 3 month containers because in my work over the years it has been shown to me that 3 months (1 full season) is the perfect timing for true transformation to unfold and start to integrate. By ending a program before the 3 months I am not fulfilling my highest service as a practitioner holding space for you, the receiver, to achieve.