Sacred Wealth

Activating our relationship to
new paradigm money & wealth

I'm ready!

I am inviting you into a conversation about money and wealth in the New Paradigm.

This is a conversation that is geared towards spiritual women who are wanting to calibrate deeper with wealth consciousness and sacred service.

This is a transmission on one of the most life-changing concepts that I have received, embodied, and integrated.

The conversation was originally held in summer of 2022 and 2 bonus modules from the Money Wounds class held in the Diamond Light Temple in summer of 2023 have been added to the portal.

I have worked with some of the most incredible women on the planet and found a key theme around my relationship with wealth that led me to finding a very interesting block between me and my dreams.

As I went deeper into exploring the roots of wealth with spiritual service, I uncovered the depth of a programming that we have been exposed to as spiritual women and manipulated through our open hearts.

Rewriting this program took a lot of PERMISSION and understanding divine PURPOSE.

And this is what I want to gift to you.
A reminder…

Permission & Purpose

Wealth Is Your Birthright

releasing time for money constructs

playing the new paradigm game


walking the path to wealth embodiment

embodying the frequency of wealth


taking the charge out of finances

restoring money to its pure essence


In 2021 I began the journey of radically looking at and uncovering my money wounds. I started to shamelessly examine my personal relationship with money and the programming I had been carrying. There were certain patterns I discovered and began healing that I knew I needed to share with my community. In summer of 2022 I brought this work forward.

These are the concepts that led me to living my life to the fullest. Once I began living my life through this frequency, the world became my oyster. Every day has become more and more expansive and the Universe continues to blow my mind. I am so honored to share this foundation with you. 

releasing the shadows to embody the light

Sacred Wealth

My services will guide you into embodying your power & radiance through coaching, mentorship, ceremony, & sacred temple arts.

I have devoted many years to healing, receiving, & apprenticing with elders in my spiritual communities. I have had the privilege of being immersed in sacred ceremonies that initiated my becoming as a guide into the Feminine Mysteries.

Embodiment is the key foundation in my offerings, always bringing forward practical components. I will support you in expanding your nervous system’s capacity to hold & anchor radiance within every atom of your being through somatic awareness, plant medicine integration, & sexological bodywork.

I deeply believe that entrepreneurship is a Sacred Mission. I am very passionate about supporting women in grounding & evolving their businesses while embodying streams of abundance, prosperity, & soul-fulfilling wealth.

Let's create together!

Peace, Pleasure,
Prosperity, Power

unleashing your sovereignty

I'm so ready!



Sacred Wealth

The Investment

• 2 Day Transmission Taking You Into the Foundations of Money Healing and Embodying Wealth Frequency

• 2 Bonus Modules from the Money Wounds class held inside the Diamond Light Temple

"Nikki’s methods of allowing oneself to open up on so many different planes was something I have needed and will continue to seek, in order to loosen and let down my inhibitions and feel truly whole as the goddess I am deep down. I highly recommend closing your eyes and fully putting your trust in Nikki's magical hands!"

"I need to work to feel connected to self love, body love, and sexuality. Nikki’s class reminds me of my goddess nature and when it's activated I'm so much happier. Just being in the space with Nikki's codes and the energy between the women helps me remember. And I love how free I feel to express myself through movement sound and breath."

"She holds such a beautiful container where I am able to feel safe and comfortable to dive into the depths of my soul, a space where my questions and curiosities are explored further"


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