
an activation to jump start your power

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It is a frequency we choose to embody.
It is a path we choose to walk.

Being ALL IN is not something we just say we are and then wait for life to happen.

It is a practice to expand into the energy.
It is an art to create from this place.

What does it look like to be ALL In?

ALL IN on your embodiment?
ALL IN on your relationships?
ALL IN on your business?
ALL IN on your life?

The ALL IN Frequency is a prerecorded transmission and practice to attune you to the frequency of being ALL IN while building momentum towards your vision and desires.

There is a magic, a power, we access when we embody and lead with our ALL IN Frequency.

It’s not a fluke that some people have success or access their dreams more efficiently than others.

Even the Law of Divine Timing is influenced by our capacity to be ALL IN.

As much as we need to release our grip and control on timing…

As much as we need to create space and honor flow…


And ALL IN is not something we just say we are doing and then throw caution to the wind…

ALL IN is in our every motion, every action, as we create ripples through all timelines and dimensions so our desires can meet us in manifested form.

This workshop is a 2 hour immersion into The ALL IN Frequency.

We will be doing practices and mapping to align your energy on what it is that you are ready to make moves on to get the BIG RESULTS and IMPACT you know your soul is here for.

If you have a vision but haven’t seen the results you want…

If you have been dancing on the line of half in half out… 

If you have been protecting yourself from being disappointed and playing small in big and subtle ways…

If you feel confused on whether or not you are truly ALL IN…

If you are frustrated because you cannot seem to figure out how to stay in the heat of your desires…

If you say you’re going to be ALL IN “tomorrow,” “next week,” “next year”…

This class is for you.

This class is ESPECIALLY for the women who have hesitated to make big moves.

Let’s be honest- You are probably even hesitating to jump into this class.

THAT is the energy we are calling out.
It is time to MOVE and be ALL IN.

Are you ready to go ALL IN on:

Your Embodiment
Your Business
Your Healing
Your Resurrection
Your Relationship
Your Calling In Of A Partner
YOUR LIFE In It’s Full Radiance

This class will be the magic container to light your fire and get you into motion within the call and response co-creative dance with Source.

Make efficient moves that lead to profound results.

If you purchase Arrive + The Quest you will receive this class FOR FREE. It is a perfect complement for the embodiment medicine we tap into in those 2 life changing programs!

Being ALL IN is a choice.
It is devotional discipline.

more information on arrive: Awakening the temple

more information on the quest

Creating the Most Incredible Partnership or Calling In A Life Partner

all in on your relationships


Building Sustainability, Expansion, Wealth, & Fulfillment

all in on your Business


Amplifying Your Health, Wellness, Beauty, & Vitality

all in on your embodiment


The frequency of being ALL IN is one of the most powerful places to move from. When I started to really embrace ALL IN as a way of life, I saw the results of my actions compound. The journey is definitely not for the faint of heart, but the rewards are endless. To be ALL IN you must also be able to walk with Universal Laws and spiritual truths that keep you humble as you co-create your visions with Gos/Source/the Universe. This class will give you the fire to ignite your actions and take your creative power to the next level.

This class is included with the purchase of Arrive+ The Quest. It is the perfect complement for the embodiment medicine we dive into in those 2 life changing programs!

What I owe my successes to

The ALL IN Frequency

"This program changed my life. For the first time, I am able to truly connect to my body and understand my cycle. My womb and I are no longer at war, but instead in open communication with each other. I tapped into my menstruation pain, listened to my womb, and honored her. Instead of numbing the pain, I learned to heal the wounds. This program brought me deep healing from trauma, and a new understanding of who I am and what my desires are."

Testimonial Love

"With each session Nikki has met me where I was at and provided me with practical tools to unlock and access stagnant parts of myself. She holds such a beautiful container where I am able to feel safe and comfortable to dive into the depths of my soul, a space where my questions and curiosities are explored further, as well as giving a voice to my femininity, sensuality and sexuality to express itself freely."

Testimonial Love

"One of the most valuable things about our sessions together is that it gave me an opportunity to give attention to something that needed addressing. It gave me permission to spend time, care, and to give love to myself where I needed it. Nikki was helpful in asking the questions that sank me in deeper to what was alive for me. She offered suggestions, and useful tools, and mostly, she helped me to find the solutions and answers within myself."

Testimonial Love

"My journey with Nikki has been a wildly transformative experience. By committing to daily practices I've been able to access a state of embodiment with ease and become aware of what Sovereignty of ones self truly is, through all the natural waves and cycles of the human experience. I've been able to catch my moments of disassociation quickly, recognize and discard the old narrative of 'I am not enough.' "

Testimonial Love


Client Reflections

sign me up!


The ALL IN Frequency

The Investment

Prerecorded Masterclass
•2 Hour Masterclass
•Transmission & Practice
•Lifetime Access
This program is included with purchases of Arrive + The Quest
1:1 Upgrades Available

One Time Payment

The Quest

Arrive: Awakening the Temple

You're                to go ALL IN on...


Your Embodiment

Your Business

Your Relationships

Your Healing

Your Life

Opportunities For Additional Support

Lifetime access to content

"Nikki’s methods of allowing oneself to open up on so many different planes was something I have needed and will continue to seek, in order to loosen and let down my inhibitions and feel truly whole as the goddess I am deep down. I highly recommend closing your eyes and fully putting your trust in Nikki's magical hands!"

"I need to work to feel connected to self love, body love, and sexuality. Nikki’s class reminds me of my goddess nature and when it's activated I'm so much happier. Just being in the space with Nikki's codes and the energy between the women helps me remember. And I love how free I feel to express myself through movement sound and breath."

"She holds such a beautiful container where I am able to feel safe and comfortable to dive into the depths of my soul, a space where my questions and curiosities are explored further"


Let's Chat

Fill out an application form to set up a discovery call.

Next Step!

ready to go?

Here are some answers


do you offer refunds

There are no refunds offered for this program.

what is your training background

There is a beautiful balance of integrating the wisdom of life's lived experience as well as being trained by teachers and mentors through more formalized education and lineages. I am constantly on a journey of continuing education and deepening my embodiment through life. I expanded out from my college degree in Human Services (with a focused certificate in Substance Abuse Counseling) to explore more holistic modalities. After working in traditional therapeutic environments I was desiring to contribute more deeply than what I saw being offered. Over the years I have studied with amazing mentors and guides along with completing more formal trainings and certifications (see below). 

* Certified Life Coach through Health Yoga Life
* Certified Somatic Embodiment & Regulation Strategies Level III
* 200hr RYT through YogaLife Institute
* Somatic Sex Education and Sexological Bodywork Training with the Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education
* Temple Arts Training Levels 1 & 2 with the Rose Lineage Mystery School
* Liquid Motion Licensed Instructor
* Cacao Ceremony Facilitation Training with Embue Cacao
* Reiki Master of the Usui Lineage
* Lunar Astrology Training with "The Moon is My Calendar"
* Board Member (Secretary) of the Nonprofit Organization “Circle of Women International” (2013-2017): Their mission was to weave sacred ceremony into community while honoring & upholding the teachings of indigenous wisdom keepers across regions.
* Co-Founder of Boston Entheogenic Network (Active 2016-2020): Their mission was to support education, advocacy, and build community around psychedelic and entheogenic medicines.

What are the options for additional support

Most live and prerecorded classes have an option for additional support through messenger or 1:1 sessions. If you are interested in additional support, please reach out to me directly at Check all your email folders if you haven't received a response within 36 hours.