In-Person Events &
Venusian Bodywork Sessions

sacred embodiment, sound healing, & venusian temple arts







Transformation Through

Head to the Venusian Bodywork page linked below to learn more. Energy and bodywork sessions are held in Plaistow, NH. Sessions are only held in conjunction to coaching and mentorship containers to ensure the depth and integrity of transformation and integration. If you are interested in hearing more please fill out an intake form to schedule a free Discovery Call. I will send you an email within 48 hours. Please check your junk mail if you have not received an email from me within 3 days.

Venusian Movement & Sound Alchemy
A Night of Sacred Feminine Embodiment
March 31st- "A Crystal Mine" in Westborough, MA
6:30-9:30pm, $111

*Rose Temple Immersion Series* (1/3)
Codes of the White Rose

April 15th- Plaistow, NH
12-5pm, $777 for Series

*Rose Temple Immersion Series* (2/3)
Codes of the Red Rose

May 6th- Plaistow, NH
12-5pm, $777 for Series

Venusian Movement & Sound Alchemy
A Night of Sacred Feminine Embodiment
May 26th- "A Crystal Mine" in Westborough, MA
6:30-9:30pm, $111

*Rose Temple Immersion Series* (3/3)
Codes of the Pink Rose

June 3rd- Plaistow, NH
12-5pm, $777 for Series

In Person Movement, Embodiment, Sound Healing and Ceremonial Events List

Venusian Temple Arts & Bodywork Sessions

click here to regisTER FOR IN-PERSON EVENTS

Please check your junk mail if you do not receive a response within 48 hours.

Stay up to date by following Nikki on Instagram: @nikkiananda

We come together to the Venusian Temple of the Rose to remember and reclaim our Sacred Feminine Magic. 
Working with the divine aspects of Venus we call in her power, beauty, love, sensuality, and the anchoring in of the true Solar Feminine wisdom and power. Our experience ignites an activation through the senses as we land and fully come into our bodies. Using movement, breath, sound, and imagination as we deepen into the body and awaken the sacred codes that we carry as women.

Click Here for Rose Temple Immersion Series Information

Heal your ancestral lineage through Sacred Touch

Awaken your power through reclaiming Erotic Innocence  

Open your heart and womb to radiate your Divine Light

Are you ready to

Venusian Temple Arts

intake form


3-5 Hours

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-jaw & Throat clearing 
-Heart & Womb awakening
-sacred sound
*Packages available

Sacred Feminine Awakening

Venusian Temple Arts & Bodywork Sessions

-Jaw & throat clearing
-Heart, Womb, & yoni awakening
-sacred sound
*Packages available

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2-3 Hours

Sacred Feminine Rebirthing

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Through our alignment with Venus and the Lineage of the Rose we are welcomed home to beauty, sensuality, and Divine Love. Liberating ourselves from the Old Paradigm to become the midwives of the New Earth through each of our Sacred Temples is such a powerful piece of our dharma.
Our greatest service is to become fully integrated within our bodies as we walk the Beauty Way.

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